Mahoning County Public Health

What is WIC?

Women, Infants, & Children (WIC) is a supplemental nutrition program for Women (pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding), Infants (birth to one-year-old), and Children under the age of 5 years. WIC provides nutrition education, supplemental nutritious foods and breastfeeding education and support. WIC is an important part of your children’s lives during critical times of growth and development to make sure they can avoid health and growth problems. The program improves pregnancy outcomes by providing or referring to support services necessary for full-term pregnancies; reduces infant mortality (death in the first year of life) and provides infants and children with a healthy start in life by improving poor or inadequate diets.

Who is eligible for WIC?

Eligibility is determined by WIC staff on the day of your appointment.

The requirements are:

  • Pregnant
  • Breastfeeding mother who has a baby less than one-year-old
  • An infant (less than a year) or a child up to five years old
  • A woman who has had a baby less than six months ago
  • Live in Ohio and the county in which you are applying
  • Determined by health professionals to be at medical/nutritional risk
  • Meet income guidelines
Our in-person services include:
  • WIC will need to determine your eligibility by verifying your identification, address, income, and pregnancy if you are pregnant and individuals applying for the program being physically present for your first appointment.
  • Weighing and measuring to ensure good growth and development
  • Checking blood levels related to iron
  • Providing nutrition counseling to you and your family’s questions and concerns
  • Breastfeeding support and education
  • Nutrition classes and support groups (at some locations)
  • Providing personalized referrals to other programs and services,
Bring identification for yourself and each person applying for or on WIC. Any of the IDs listed below are acceptable.
  • Birth Certificate
  • Driver’s License
  • Health Insurance Identification with DOB on it
  • Hospital Record/Crib Card
  • Immunization Record
  • Photo Identification
  • State Identification Card
  • Driver’s license or Ohio ID
  • Utility or rent/mortgage receipt
  • Passport/Visa
  • Homeless shelter address

Receiving the following services makes you eligible for the WIC program:

  • Medicaid Programs
  • Food Assistance Program (FAP)
  • If you do not receive any benefits from the department of Job and Family Services, you must bring all  sources of income. Examples include:
  • Paycheck stubs dated within 30 calendar days of your appointment (example: weekly pay, bring four paycheck stubs)
  • Child support (e.g. court papers of history of payments)
  • Social security benefits statement
  • Tax return IRS 1040
  • Unemployment insurance benefit statement
  • Retirement income statement
  • If you receive financial support from someone who lives outside of your household, bring a signed and dated letter from the person or social service giving support with their name and the amount and type of support given.
  • Written statement from a physician/health care provider
  • Ultrasound documentation
  • Physical appearance
For additional information:

What does WIC Offer?

Nutrition Education

Nutrition education is an integral part of the WIC program. Education emphasizes the relationship between nutrition, physical activity, and health with special emphasis on the nutritional needs of pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants and children under five years of age. Health Professionals assist individuals who are at nutritional risk in achieving a positive change in dietary and physical activity habits, resulting in improved nutritional status and in the prevention of nutrition-related problems through optimal use of the WIC supplemental foods and other nutritious foods. WIC offers individual, group, and internet nutrition education.

Breastfeeding Education and Support

The WIC program provides valuable support for breastfeeding parents. Whether they are just considering or already navigating their breastfeeding journey. WIC is there to help at every stage. WIC has Certified Lactation Consultants and Breastfeeding Peer Helpers on staff who can guide WIC participants through their breastfeeding journey. WIC Educates parents on Breastfeeding by hosting classes, support groups and individual counseling. Additionally, WIC provides manual and electric breast (must meet criteria) pumps.

Supplemental Foods

WIC participants receive a monthly benefit from one of seven science-based food packages, according to their life stage nutritional needs. Participants then use their WIC electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card to buy the food and beverages in their package.

Maximum Monthly Allowances in the WIC Food Packages | Food and Nutrition Service (

WIC Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program

The WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) is a dual-purpose program which benefits both WIC participants and farmers. In the program, WIC participants are given five $6 coupons, in addition to their participant’s regular benefits, to purchase authorized fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs from authorized farmers at farmers’ markets and farmstands. The program runs between June and October.

Medical Social Service Referrals

The WIC Program can refer you to other important health services in your community. Here are a few:

  • Headstart
  • Help Me Grow
  • Immunizations
  • Lead Testing
  • OEI
  • Pathways HUB
  • Pediatricians, Obstetrics/Gynecologist, dentists and other medical care providers based on individual needs.
  • Safe Sleep
  • Social Service Agencies

Voter Registration

WIC is one of the designated voter registration agencies appointed by the Ohio Secretary of State. WIC participants can register to vote or change their addresses at any WIC location.

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