Mahoning County Public Health


Quick Links:


Water Test Request:

Mahoning County Public Health performs bacteriological testing of drinking water for homeowners with private water wells. Homeowners should have their wells tested at least once a year.

If you wish to have your water tested, print the water test requests form below, fill it out and mail it with a check for $80.00 payable to Mahoning County Public Health, 50 Westchester Drive Youngstown, OH 44515. We will contact you by phone to schedule a visit from one of our sanitarians to obtain a water sample. Samples must be collected on Monday or Tuesday to allow the laboratory enough time to analyze the samples before the weekend. Results are received from the laboratory within 3-5 days and will be forwarded to you.



New Well & Alterations:

Application and Site Plan must be completed by well drillers only



Sealing Well:

Application and Site Plan must be completed by well drillers only



Flooded Well:



Buying or Selling a Home:



Records Request:




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