Mahoning County Public Health


Quick Links:



Opening and Renewing an Establishment:

Please print application and mail or drop it off with fee.


Artist Registration:

Please print application and mail or drop it off with fee.



Permanent Cosmetics (Makeup):

Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-9 defines “permanent cosmetics” as a tattoo and includes, but is not limited to, eyebrows, eyelids, lips, and other parts of the body for beauty marks, hair imitation, lash enhancement, or areola repigmentation. This includes any procedures referred to as perment makeup, microdermapigmentation, micropigment implantation, dermagraphics, or microblading and has the same meaning as tattoo. These procedures must therefore be conducted in a body art establishment permitted by the Mahoning County Board of Health and performed by practitioners who are in compliance with the Mahoning County Board of Health’s body artist registration requirements. Please see below for applications for artists and establishments. 


Tattoo & Body Piercing Safety Class:

Check back here for more information on when our next class will be held!



Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishment Regulations 2020


Underground Unlicensed Shops:

Never have any type of body modification done at an unlicensed shop or by an unlicensed artist, sometimes called “scratchers.”  Often working out of homes, garages, bars or other facilities, “scratchers” do not follow the same precautions as a legitimate artist.  Any unlicensed body modification increases the chances you will:

  • Contract an infectious disease such as Hepatitis C, Strep or HIV
  • Have allergic reactions
  • Experience scaring
  • Have MRI complications


Report any unlicensed body modification to Mahoning County Public Health at 330-270-2855.  Reports can be made anonymously.




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