Mahoning County Public Health

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Residential Septic

Nearly one-fifth of American households depend on septic systems to treat their wastewater and failure to maintain a septic system can lead to backups, malfunctions and early failures that can result is costly repairs.  The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) regulates sewage treatment systems across the state through statutory authority established under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Chapter 3718 and Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 3701-29, which were updated and became effective on Jan. 1, 2015. Permitting, inspections and enforcement are conducted by the local health districts. Sewage treatment systems include one, two and three-family dwellings and small flow on-site sewage treatment systems (facilities that treat up to 1,000 gallons per day).  Proper system siting and design, soils evaluation, system owner education and operation inspections and maintenance of systems are essential to help prevent future contamination and public health nuisances.

Operation and Maintenance Program Information:

Click here to use a credit card to pay the O&M permit fee

Click Here to View  the New MCPH Operation & Maintenance Program Presentation (PDF)



New Septic Site Review Application Process:

The following information must be submitted to the health department for the evaluation to be completed in accordance with The Ohio Administrative Code 3701-29 and The Mahoning County General Health Districts Supplemental Sewage Treatment Rules. 

Pre-application activities:

1. Have a soil evaluation completed by a registered soil evaluator prior to making application.

2. Field stake property boundaries and all proposed building/home locations.

Items to be submitted with the site review application: (must be obtained in office)

1. A completed site review application (must be obtained in office) along with site review fee (fee schedule below).

2. Copy of the soil report performed by the registered soil evaluator.

3. Site plan including (site plan form below):

  • North orientation arrow.
  • The primary and secondary septic field if already completed by the installer or designer.
  • Location and isolation distances for all structures, driveways, hardscapes, wells, ponds, creeks, waterways, and flood plain.
  • All existing or proposed lot dimensions

The health department will review the application and conduct a site visit to ensure compliance with the Ohio Administrative Code 3701-29 and The Mahoning County General Health Districts Supplemental Sewage Treatment Rules. 

A site approval is valid for five years from the date of “approval”.  If the sewage treatment system permit is obtained in the first year, then no additional re-inspection fee is required. If the installation permit is being obtained in years 2-5, then an additional re-inspection along with a fee will be required to ensure the site has not been altered or disturbed. 



New Septic Installation Permit Process:

Once the site review has been conducted and approved, the applicant shall provide the following items to secure a household sewage treatment system installation permit:

The items listed below must be submitted, completed and approved before a septic installation and downspout permit can be obtained:

  • Floor plan of proposed dwelling to ensure the number of bedrooms or potential bedrooms
  • Proof of ownership if cannot be determined by the Auditors webpage
  • “Acknowledgement of Regulations” form with owner’s signature (see affidavit form below)
  • Zoning permit (if applicable)
  • Assigned street address by zoning or 911 agency
  • Scaled installer’s drawing/layout plan with signature and registration number of installer
  • Secure field fence on construction site
  • An approved Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES), if applicable

The health department Sanitarian will review the site information, conduct a site visit (if necessary) to ensure state and local regulatory compliance for issuance or denial of the installation permit or alteration permit.

Once the installation permit is issued, the HSTS may be installed by the registered installer when the ground conditions are suitable.  An installation permit is valid for one year from the date of issuance and is transferable upon sale of the property. The health department may extend the permit period for an additional six months for permits issued pursuant to this rule. Failure to secure a permit with installation in progress will result in a 25% penalty of the permit fee.

In accordance with OAC Rule 3701-29-09 (B); “No person shall install a new or replacement STS or alter an existing STS without an installation or alteration permit issued by the Health Department.”

A new installation or alteration permit (system depending) shall be subject to enrolling in the Mahoning County Public Health’s Operation and Maintenance Program.



Existing Septic Alteration or Replacement Site Review and Permit Application Process:

In accordance to OAC 3701-29-09 the following information must be submitted to the health department when altering or replacing an existing HSTS:

1. A completed site review application (must be obtained in office) along with site review fee (see attached fee schedule A below).

2. Soils submitted by a soil scientist or soil classifier certified by the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA). (If deemed necessary by the Sanitarian/Ohio Environmental Protection Agency)

A site approval is valid for five years from the date of “approval”.  If the Sewage Treatment System permit is obtained in the first year, then no additional re-inspection fee is required. If the installation permit is being obtained in years 2-5, then an additional re-inspection along with a fee will be required to ensure the site has not been altered or disturbed. 

The health department Sanitarian will review the site information, conduct a site visit (if necessary) to ensure state and local regulatory compliance for issuance or denial of the installation permit or alteration permit.

The items listed below must be submitted and approved before an installation permit is issued:

  • Scaled installer’s drawing/layout plan with signature and registration number of installer.
  • “Acknowledgement of Regulations” form with owner’s signature (affidavit form below).
  • An approved Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination Permit (NPDES), if applicable.
  • Secure field fence on construction site, if applicable or at the discretion of the Sanitarian

Once the installation permit is issued, the HSTS may be installed by the registered installer when the ground conditions are suitable.  An installation permit is valid for one year from the date of issuance and is transferable upon sale of the property. The health department may extend the permit period for an additional six months for permits issued pursuant to this rule. Failure to secure a permit with installation in progress will result in a 25% penalty of the permit fee

In accordance with OAC Rule 3701-29-09 (B); “No person shall install a new or replacement STS or alter an existing STS without an installation or alteration permit issued by the Health Department”

New installation or alteration permits (system depending) shall be subject to enrolling in Mahoning County Public Health’s Operation and Maintenance Program.



Additional Structures on Lot With Septic:

A site visit/sewage system inspection by a health department Sanitarian is required before an addition that:

  • Increases the number of bedrooms
  • Changes the footprint of the existing dwelling(s)
  • Adds additional structures such as a garage, shed, out-building, in ground or above ground swimming pool
  • Structures that require a building permit
  • Structures that are agricultural exempt

The items listed below must be submitted and approved before a permit and or approval is released: 

1. A completed site review application (must be obtained in office) along with site review fee (fee schedule below).

2. A site plan including (site plan form below):

  • North orientation arrow
  • All existing and/or proposed structures
  • Location and isolation distances for all structures, driveways, hardscapes, wells, ponds, creeks, waterways, and flood plain
  • The primary and secondary septic fields
  • Floor plan of proposed addition
  • Field stake proposed addition
  • Zoning permit, if applicable
  • Downspout and plumbing permits, if applicable
  • Any and all additional requirements by the health department

The health department Sanitarian will review the application information; conduct a site visit, if applicable, to ensure compliance, and either issue or deny the addition.

** Existing homes with failing HSTS will be required to repair/replace the HSTS in compliance with Ohio Administrative Code 3701-29 and The Mahoning County General Health District Supplemental Sewage Treatment Rules as detailed above as Existing HSTS – Alteration/Replacement.




Existing Septic Structure Replacement and Platting:

A site visit/sewage system inspection by a health department Sanitarian is required before a structure can be replaced by another structure.

The items listed below must be submitted and approved before a permit and or approval is released:

1. A completed site review application (must be obtained in office) along with site review fee (fee schedule below).

2. A site plan including (As-Built form below):

  • North orientation arrow
  • All existing or proposed lot dimensions
  • Location and isolation distances for all structures, driveways, hardscapes, wells, ponds, creeks, waterways, and flood plain
  • The primary and secondary septic fields
  • Floor plan of proposed new structure
  • Field stake the location of the proposed new structure
  • Zoning permit, if applicable.
  • Downspout and plumbing permits, if applicable
  • Any and all additional requirements by the Board of Health

The health department Sanitarian then reviews the information provided above and conducts a site visit to ensure compliance.

*** Proposed new lots will proceed (deeds recorded) with permitting as detailed above as New HSTS-Site Review Application Process.

**** Vacant lots labeled on the plat map as: “Not considered a buildable lot until it conforms with the requirements of the requirements of OAC 3701-29 and the Health Department Regulations  or accessible to sewer” will not be required to submit a site review application or fee for the health department to sign the plan or re-plat.



Buying or Selling a Home:

Mahoning County Public Health requires all septics and wells to be tested prior to the sale of a home.



Financial Resources for Septic Systems:


Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF):

This grant is a principal forgiveness program to assist with the costs associated with the repair or replacement of the HSTS. In addition, the 2024 monies allow for fifty percent to be used to connect failing HSTS’s to existing sanitary sewers. The money will not allow payment for mainline extensions or assessments on sanitary sewer connections.

Homeowners may qualify within one of two tiers of funding depending upon the size of their household and the combined household income.  Eligible homeowner’s will receive 100%, 85% or 50% of the allowable costs to repair or replace the HSTS.  The homeowner will be responsible for compensating the contractor with the match requirement if applicable (15% or 50%) and acceptable documentation will be submitted to the health department.

This program is managed on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply for assistance;

  • The Household Sewage Treatment System shall be currently failing.
  • Please complete the application to determine the household size and the total combined household income.  Please note this application must be notarized.
  • Submit verification of all income sources as detailed in the application.
  • Provide a copy of the deed to confirm ownership.

Once the application is complete it must be returned to the address below in the self-addressed, stamped envelope or in person.  Applications will be date stamped in the order in which they are received. Failure to provide a complete application and the required information will delay our ability to determine your eligibility.

Submittal of an application is not a guarantee that your application will be approved.

Mahoning County Public Health
Attn: WPCLF Program
50 Westchester Drive, Youngstown, Ohio 44515

Should you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance to complete the application, please contact our office immediately at (330) 270 – 2855 option #2.




Abandoning a Septic:

A septic tank abandonment form must be obtained at our office. Fee is $80 (cash, check, money order)

If you are connecting to sanitary sewer, a clear water plumbing permit must also be obtained in office. The fee is $60 (cash, check, money order).



Records Request:

To request records for well or septic please click here



Please click here to file a complaint 



Licensing & Registration: 

3701-29-03 Registration of installers, service providers, and septage haulers.

“Except as provided in paragraph (M) of this rule, only persons registered by the health department as an installer, septage hauler, or service provider shall perform the duties defined in paragraph (FFF), (JJJJ), or (OOOO) of rule 3701-29-01 of the Administrative Code, respectively.”
(FFF) “Installer” means any person who engages in the business of installing or altering or who, as an employee of another, installs or alters any sewage treatment system or gray water recycling system.
(JJJJ) “Septage hauler” means any person who engages in the collection, transportation, disposal, and/or land application of domestic septage. A septage hauler may also evaluate and report on the condition of any tank they are pumping.
(OOOO) “Service provider” means any person who services, monitors, evaluates or samples, but does not install or alter, sewage treatment systems or gray water recycling systems. For the purpose of this chapter, service provider shall include a homeowner servicing his own system to meet the requirement of a service contract for product approval or demonstration of maintenance for an O&M program established in accordance with rule 3701-29-19 of the Administrative Code.

Requirements and Applications:



Service Providers



Commercial Septic:




MCPH Forms & Information:
Training and CEU Information for Wastewater Registrants
 Sewage Treatment System Rules


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