In 2013, in response to poor infant mortality data, MCPH and the Youngstown City Health District collaborated to establish the MY Baby’s 1st Coalition, a community-driven effort to reduce infant mortality across Mahoning County. The coalition, called MY Baby’s 1st, is a partnership of more than 30 clinical, social, and behavioral health service providers that have analyzed the community’s infant mortality trends. Local data demonstrates that our high infant mortality rates are because our babies are born too early and too little to survive and women in the following groups are most at risk:
- 12 years or less of education
- Limited social support (unmarried)
- Medicaid as insurer
- Inadequate birth spacing (<18 months between a birth and a subsequent pregnancy)
- African American
MY Baby’s 1st is working in the community to implement the following to address identified risk factors:
- Safe Sleep and the Cribs for Kids program
- Birth spacing education and improving access to Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
- Empowering Moms support groups
- Centering Pregnancy® Program
- Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR)
- Pathways HUB
- Everyday Democracy
For more information about MY Baby’s 1st call 330-270-2855 ext. 142.