Mahoning County Public Health

Quick Links:


Immunization Clinics:

The immunization clinics provide vaccines required for foreign travel, childhood and adult immunizations as well as seasonal flu clinics.

Location of Clinics:

Mahoning County Public Health
50 Westchester Drive
Austintown, OH 44515
Boardman Park
375 Boardman Poland Rd
Boardman, OH 44512
Struthers Mauthe Park
156 Smithfield Street
Struthers, OH 44471
  • All childhood vaccines are available including, DTaP, Tdap, Hib, IPV, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HPV, MMR, Varicella, Prevnar, RSV monoclonal antibodies, Pneumococcal, and Meningococcal
  • We accept most health insurances, including Ohio Medicaid and Ohio Medicaid HMO’s
  • We bill insurance companies
  • We are a Vaccines for Children Program Provider



Child & Adolescent Clinics:

Call to schedule an appointment for your child. Please have your child’s immunization records and insurance card ready when calling.

Please bring to appointment:

  • Child’s shot records
  • ID
  • Insurance card

Immunization Requirements for School Attendance from the Ohio Department of Health

Immunization Recommendations


Adult & Travel Clinics:

Adult clinics are held every Tuesday at our Austintown location.

Call to schedule an appointment. Please have your immunization records and insurance card ready when calling.

Please bring to appointment:

  • Shot records
  • ID
  • Insurance card

Immunization Recommendations


Seasonal Flu Clinics:

Seasonal flu recommendations from the CDC

How to obtain a flu shot at a Mahoning County Public Health clinic?

  • We bill insurance – Bring insurance cards, driver’s license, Medicaid and Medicare cards so the cost of the vaccine can be billed; most private insurances are accepted.
  • Mahoning County Public Health is a Vaccines for Children Program Provider and will have limited opportunities for children that are uninsured to receive the vaccine free of charge.
  • Available flu vaccines
    • Ages 6 months and up – Trivalent (3 flu virus strains)
    • Ages 65 years and older -High dose Trivalent (3 flu virus strains)




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