Mahoning County Public Health

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Mahoning County Emergency Preparedness Planning:

Mahoning County Public Health is working with our county emergency response partners to ensure citizens are protected if a bioterrorism attack, disease outbreak or natural disaster happens in our community. These events could have long-term impact on the community’s health and safety and disrupt our daily routines.

During a public health emergency information will be posted on this website for response and recovery. If you would like to receive alerts regarding public health events please sign up by clicking here


There are steps you can take to prepare yourself and your family for an unexpected emergency.  Browse this page for information about disaster preparedness and cleanup tips to help reduce the risk of illness that disaster conditions can bring.

Be Prepared

  1. Be Informed:  Learn what to do before, during and after a disaster
  • Learn how to teach others to turn off electricity, gas, and water
  • Update insurance policies
  • Know how fire extinguishers work (check fire extinguishers, replace batteries flashlights twice a year)
  • Safeguard copies of important documents


  1. Make a Plan: Plan to protect yourself and your family.  Make sure to include your pets.

  1. Build a Kit: Assemble disaster supply kits for your home and car.

     4.  Volunteer: Help out the community in a disaster.


Family Disaster Planning Guide:

Disasters can strike quickly and without warning.  They can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or be confined to your home.  What would you do if basic services – water, gas, electricity or telephones – were cut off?  Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone right away.

Families can – and do – cope with disaster by preparing in advance and working together as a team.  Follow the steps listed in this brochure to create your family’s disaster plan.  Knowing what to do is your best protection and your responsibility.  Click here for the Family Disaster Planning Guide.

The Community Health Division is responsible for the planning and program development for Mahoning County Public Health to protect the health of Mahoning County’s residents and visitors from the effects of manmade and naturally-occurring events.  The Health Department works closely with other agencies at the local, state and federal levels.  The goals of the program are to upgrade preparedness for and response to bioterrorism, other outbreaks of infectious disease, and other public health threats and emergencies.


Additional Planning Resources:

Mahoning County Public Health Emergency Preparedness Plans:

Our agency welcomes public input regarding the Local Emergency Preparedness Plans.  Please email us at with your suggestions.


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